Codecpage News
Video Format ComparisonNote: This table contains old formats only (except for PIC MJPEG, now obsolete)
Encoder |
minute |
time factor |
(10=max) |
Comment |
PIC MJPEG captured w. VirtualDub or others |
50 M .. 120 M |
720 x 576 |
44k x 16 |
or 75 M |
720 x 576 |
DVD standard |
PIC MJPEG or DV captured video +DIVX or VXID codec (MPEG4) |
720 x 576 |
small,fast |
PIC MJPEG or DV capturred video +CCE MPEG2 VBR |
20 M |
3000 k |
720 x 576 |
standard |
MPEG1 from fullframe MJPEG, smart deinterlaced, optimal reduction |
10 M |
352 x 288 |
standard |
Windows Media MPEG4V2 +avi-io |
20 M |
384 x 288 |
44k x 16 |
Windows Media MPEG4V2 |
7.5 M |
352 x 288 |
5 |
Windows Media MPEG4V2 |
5 M |
352 x 288 |
Windows Media MPEG4V2 |
450 k |
160 x 120 |
Real Video | 400 k |
176 x 144 |
Real Video | 250 k |
176 x 144 |
* best fit for
90 min movie on a 700 MB CD. Set crispness to 50%.
** best fit for 130 min movie on a 700 MB CD.
Set crispness to 50%.
For NTSC, frame
sizes are 320 x 240 or 160 x 120
*** MPEG2 is better for this: No problems w. interlacing,
accelerated playback on many graphis cards.
Encoding time factor based on 700 MHz CPU; speed depends on clock
rate only !
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One further remark: These pages are covering only some aspects
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an introduction for beginners.