video filter chain with VirtualDub 1.6
Analog 8mm captured as DV from a Digital8
In this case, color flicker of the tape was low, so the temporal
smoother filter was sufficient. Use this filter everywhere. There
is no such thing like a clean sky without it, not even with digital
As amateur camcorders
often have a really crappy contrast behavior, you may even better
like an extreme gamma correction like this:
For the camcorder used here, a vertical
color shift of 3 was best
The GC filter is used to increas horizontal
With low light shots (noisy ones), it may be advisable to raise Xsharpen's treshold to 64 and perhaps to omit the general convolution filter, in orer to avoid increasing noise !
The levels filter and HSV filter do the
gamma correction
Original: noise
in the sky and elsewhere. A bit dull.
Good weather
should more look like this
Original: Shadows
a bit dirty, not to mention the sky...
Filtered. There
are still some double edges but they are not visible on a TV.
Original; obvious
color shift.
Filtered; a tiny
bit less detail in bright color parts but much cleaner
Original; trees
look rather black, typical for amateur summer pictures.
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